“Life is about using the whole box of crayons.”

TSWY Gurgaon
Colours are present all around us and are involved in every aspect of our life.
Colours symbolize happiness and confidence, brightening our lives and putting a spring in our step. They are an amazing source of energy, having a sensory effect on all of us… affecting our moods, our feelings and even our behaviour.
To experience the joy of learning with colours, The Shri Ram Wonder Years, Gurgaon had organised All about Colours displaying various activities including story-telling, science experiments, puzzles, pattern matching, number quantification and various learning based games and craft.
Children love creating and making colourful things! It keeps them focused and helps in building attention on the project at hand as colours stimulate learning.
They absorbed colour related activities and concepts effortlessly and the same was showcased beautifully at All About Colours this year.